
30 June 2007

hmm... these few weeks I have been hearing people going to the hospital, be it for surgery, illness, infection, car accident... it seems to me that life is so fragile.

Dengue, sudden heart failure, cancer... these are things that took many away from this face of the Earth. Why is this happening? oOh, God! why must it be someone that we love? The family needs her, the young motorist has lost both his legs, the young JC student has a bright future, why him? why? One moment he might be chatting with you, the next moment he is gone. You might have met him for coffee last week, but now he is no more.

Is that all to life? Do we just live on this planet called the Earth by chance? Do we just live - to die? Do we come together by chance, then one day decompose into fertiliser or dust blown away by wind? What happens after that? Who makes the call for everything to come together.

What is the plan for us? Being 'homo sapiens' created to be capable of improving ourselves, as beings that knows what is right and wrong, going to educational institutes to sharpen our understanding in science and technology, coming out with new gadgets to improve our living.

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Are we really in control of everything?

We want take control of many things - TV, aircon, steering wheel, the press, movie censorship, crime...
We cannot control - LIFE

The God that created the universe, the diversity of flora and fauna, insects and animal, and vast oceans and wide mountains, the bright blue sky and the dark cloudy one, HE is the same God that brought us, humans, into existence, to spread the love of Him, to have a intimate relationship with Him. When things around us are spinning too fast and things seemed to be out of position, remember to go to the centre of this tornado to find Him, there you will find peace.

Can God show Himself to real to me? I can't see Him, and I can't see, touch, smell, Him. If He wants us to acknowledge Him, why didn't HE appear to us directly?

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God says:" My child, my lovely child, why can't you look around you? I have been showing myself to all my children in the face of this planet I called the Earth, thru the galaxy, the sun and stars, the rainbows, the bright blue sky and vast oceans, the open green pastures and wide mountains - so that you may witness my power and majesty...

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I have also planted different kinds of plants and flowers in your midst, seeds that bear fruits, the caterpillars, earthworms, snails and ants, features of plants favouring its pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal, a system that sustains itself again and again - for they represent how detailed my plan can be. "

Slow down for a while and take a look at the Nature, there you will find Him.

Let God be at the centre of our Life, let Him who has the best plan and purpose for what HE has created carry out His plan in us, thru us.

Signing Off.

17 June 2007

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Just got to know this friend of mine, Zhi Rong, and he is coming into NUS Life Science this coming semester. I just went to his blog and saw his artwork (above) which took him 3 days working on the software Artrage. I must say he is good!
So i also downloaded the programme and try doing it.
Look what i have just drawn,

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Hee! not as grand as Zhi Rong's, but i guess i still need some more practice to max the software...

Signing Off.

10 June 2007

I was attending charcoal drawing class in 2005. Just want to share with you my drawings.
I really pray that God will use my talents and gifts to advance the kingdom of God.

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Signing Off.